#Route66 #part5 Guys, I cannot believe that our road trip almost came to an end. Before reaching our final destination, there was just one stop left: Los Angeles. The city presented itself from its best side: warm weather, friendly people, relaxed atmosphere. While cruising through the city we kept an eye on the Hollywood hills and the famous Hollywood sign in the distance. Soon, we strolled across the Walk of Fame, found some wings by Colette Miller, and enjoyed a little drive to Long Beach. Here, we appreciated – obviously barefoot – sand and ocean.

However, we finally wanted to reach the end of Route 66. And so we did. With beautiful sunshine accompanying us, we arrived in Santa Monica. The historic route ends somewhat poetically on the Santa Monica Pier, facing the Pacific Ocean. Yes, you can definitely attribute symbolic meaning to such an ending. The legendary American highway only ends when the sea stands in its way. And so it also ended for us – for the crazy girl and the four Spaniards. Lazily strolling along the pier, we enjoyed a perfect ending: a sunny day, the sound of waves, a basket of fruits. Us, smiling at each other, and being proud of what we’ve accomplished. We didn’t need anything else.
Well, there is maybe one tiny little thing that I would have wanted… a flight back home! Unfortunately, due to some mysterious reasons, my place on the plane from Los Angeles back to Chicago was cancelled. So there I was, in Los Angeles, ten hours before my original flight back home, without a ticket. #what?! Well, let me spare you the panic, anger and lack of sleep and let me proceed to the end of this stressful night. At around 3 a.m. I finally got a ticket to Chicago, and five hours later we already were on our way to the airport. Exhausted but happy, and with tons of good stories in our pockets, we arrived in good old Normal. Oh believe me, this trip won’t be forgotten so easily…
There is still so much to say but I’ll have to leave you for now. Happy Christmas shopping! #ornotshopping Be safe, K.