In a nutshell:
Sunshine. A gorgeous white dress that was tamed gracefully by the groom. Many tears but even more smiles and laughter. A special song that made us cry. Happy parents. A little kitty cat that was the star of attention. A first dance that gave me goosebumps. Hilarious speeches that will be remembered for a very long time. The best music to dance to. Polish vodka, but not too much though 😛 An epic dance battle, won by the groom and all the gentlemen on the dance floor. Beating hearts. Many things that didn’t go as planned but made us laugh even more. The most amazing guests ever on this planet. And simply us – a happy couple aiming somewhere, from now on forever together.
Yes, I got married. We said ‘I do!’ and I’m now wife to the most amazing husband I could ever imagine. (Well, at least that’s what I can say after two weeks of marriage ☺ Let’s see how it goes, hehe.)
I’m sure that to most of you this news is no surprise, as nothing can be kept a secret in those times of facebook & Co. but I wanted to dedicate a special blog post anyway on this occasion.
I can’t believe it’s already been two weeks since we tied the knot. It still feels as it has been yesterday… October 13th happened to be a beautiful day full of laughter, emotions, tears of happiness, good food and most importantly, the best wedding crowd a happy couple could ever wish for!
I mean, after a year of preparations and thinking about details as flowers, decoration, menus and colors, you are suddenly like “What the heck, all of that doesn’t even matter to us right now!” It’s our love and all those people around us that made us feel special. It was not the cake or the candy bar that made us gloom with happiness; it was each and every smile that crossed our eyes. And we are utterly grateful for that experience.
Chobienice. Imagine a little polish village with lots of fields and forests around. Horses, cows and tractors. In the middle of it, a church. That’s where we promised before God and our families to love and support each other for better and for worse, until death do us part. Let me tell you, that moment when you are standing in front of the love of your life, holding his hand, looking into his eyes and listening to the words he says, is simply not to describe. #Godisgood
Most of you know that I’m a crazy horse lover so I’m super happy about the place we chose for our wedding reception. It was held at the most magical place called Ostoja Chobienice. A former horse farm owned by horse lovers was turned into a wonderful place to celebrate special days as ours with a touch of rustic elegance.
And of course there are still horses there and they accompanied us more than we thought they would… #crazy #youwontbelieveit More about that once I get the pictures from our photographers ☺
So full of love as I am right now I send each and everyone of you a huge jar full of that gorgeous elixir. As it will take some time until we get our wedding pictures from the photographer, the only thing I can add to this post is a little forecast of our videographer’s work.
See for yourself! Click here! Love, K.