How white sails, a few strings and fresh air can fill your heart with joy. Do you know that feeling when you meet someone and you’re like “Nah, not my type of person” and then you meet them again several years later and suddenly you are simply crazy about them? I’m sure it happened to […]
21 Illustrations Every Couple Will Understand

Artist illustrates everyday life in his marriage. Last night I wandered all across Instagram and stumbled over this amazing artist. Yehuda Adi Devir is an illustrator, comic artist and character designer who creates gorgeous comics about his daily life and funny adventures with his wife, Maya. It’s the kind of comics that make you smile […]
11 Things To Know Before You Plan A Wedding From The Other Side Of The Globe

When he is living in Germany, she’s in the USA, and the wedding is to be planned in Poland. A year ago my boyfriend proposed to me and asked me to marry him. I said “yes.” Obviously. Two weeks later I went on board of a Lufthansa machine and set off towards the United […]
11 Pros And Cons Of Having Double Nationality

Growing up with a double nationality definitely comes along with some benefits, but not so less with some problems and issues, too. I’m German. I’m born in Germany. Here’s where I went to school, here’s where I studied (except a couple of years abroad), here’s where I intend to settle down after marrying the guy […]
How CrossFit Destroyed My Wedding Dress

What happens if your wedding is only a month away and you don’t fit into your wedding dress anymore? Well, let me tell you how that feels like, as that is exactly what happened to me. I promised you slightly different wedding stories, so here is one for you! Every bride knows how important her […]
I’m Getting Married In A Month, And I’m Going Insane

Wouldn’t you, if everything changes? In a forest, a lake, just us. And I said “Yes.” For me, the most magical proposal ever. And he, the most wonderful man on this planet. We were in love, we couldn’t stop smiling and we had goosebumps all day long. And we still have. But something changed. 22 […]
True Story: I changed my name

Hi folks, I haven’t been on aimingsomewhere for a long time. There were reasons for that and maybe I’ll share that with you another day. The most important thing is: here I go again. And I have a story for you, a pretty big one. A true story: I changed my name. My last name. […]
If We Applied Social Media’s Features To Real Life, We’d Actually Be More Social

Share your likes and love in person instead of using Facebook to show true feelings! Love it or hate it, there’s no getting away from Facebook – the world’s most popular social media site. The influence of this enormous social media creature can be seen in every corner of the Web. We keep in touch […]
Hello Budapest

Hello, hello! What’s uuuuuup? I’m back with a travel story. This time let me take you to Eastern Europe, to a country that is not one of those super known touristic countries, to a country that nobody really understands the language of, to a country that was completely unknown to me until now. Let me […]
7 Ways A Smile Can Change The World

Are you one of those that underestimate the power of a smile? Every morning you take a shower, you choose your outfit, you think about breakfast. But do you think about putting on your smile as well? Since I can remember, people comment on my smile. Apparently, I’m a smiley person and as I see, […]