Again. Again saying Goodbye. Again trying not to cry. Failing at it. Again checking in. Again airport security. Perfect at it. Again getting on planes, looking for seats, asking for drinks. More and more a routine. I have to admit, guys, this time it was a hard one. I simply wanted to stay home, with […]
Life in the US
Master of Arts – Done

Hi guys! It’s been a long time, I know. Sure you’ll understand. I really needed this break from the Internet, Social Media and electronic devises during Christmas and my stay in Europe. But here I am back again, having great news to tell: On December 20th, I successfully defended my Master Thesis, and am now […]
Merry Christmas!

Dear friends! After stressful finals weeks at ISU, I finally got to enjoy some Christmas spirit during a couple of days in Chicago. Huge Christmas trees, ice skating arenas, and even a German Christkindl Market (including Glühwein and strawberries in chocolate!) made my anticipation grow and made me count the hours until my flight would […]
A Creative Performance

So, here it is, guys, the slightly different post. But let’s start first with Normal News. This week was my host mom’s birthday, and so the #bestgermancrewever and I decided to make one of her wishes come true. We surprised her with a joyful German birthday song and some German delicacies, and she really enjoyed […]
American Thanksgiving

Hi guys! I know, I know, it’s not Thanksgiving, yet. However, you can feel the Thanksgiving excitement everywhere (except of those who went straight to Christmas after Halloween :P). Thanksgiving Day, which originated as a harvest festival, is a public holiday celebrated on the fourth Thursday of November in the United States. We have a […]
Hello Autumn <3

Hello, hello and welcome to another week of Normal News! Don’t forget, it never gets normal in Normal, haha! #sofunny After a very busy week loaded with constant homework, assignments and quizzes, I luckily had the chance to spend an amazing weekend far away from my laptop, phone or even the internet. First, I finally […]
Pumpkin, Sport and Portillo’s

Hi guys! It’s me again with some news for you. ☺ You know, I never ever won anything. Well, nothing big, at least. Never. Ever. Until now. I won a $100 gift-card from Portillo’s, one of Americas favourite restaurants (= fast food, obviously). I mean, I know it’s not a fancy trip or a car […]
Homecoming at ISU

Hi people! This week was homecoming at ISU – an annual tradition in the United States, where people, towns, high schools, and colleges come together, usually in late September or early October, to welcome back alumni and former residents. I was so happy to experience this American college tradition, and let me tell you right […]
Hello Europe!

Here I am again; tired, exhausted, with a sprained ankle, but happy. So so happy. But let me start at the beginning. Last week was intense. Actually, let me give you a small update on me being a teacher at ISU. In my class, we approached already our third case in German grammar (the German […]
I’m free!

Oh yes, finally! I’m free. And it feels so so so good. Why? Let me tell you: Do you remember that big chunk of papers lying everywhere, covering the floor in the office and blocking my bed? That big chunk of papers that robbed me of all social life, of food and sleep? Yes, exactly, […]