Hi there! I hope you all are doing great. I’m doing fine, I guess, but I was worried that I wouldn’t have anything to tell you guys this week. Because I am working on my MA paper literally the whole time I have left after preparing classes, teaching, grading exams, studying and completing my own […]
Life in the US
The heart does what it wants

Hi guys! Don’t you agree with me that doing crazy things is what makes life worth living? Well, I truly believe in that. (Or do I just look for excuses to justify the insanity that accompanies my ideas and plans too often?) And so this week was definitely marked by some craziness… more craziness than […]
On Horseback in America

Have you ever sat on a mustang, a wild horse? Have you ever raced at full gallop over the American prairie, the wind in your hair and freedom around you? No, you haven’t? Me neither, xD. However, what did happen is that I sat in a saddle on horseback this week! Finally! Do you remember […]
Welcome back to study life

Hi guys! Wow, it’s incredible how time flies by… again, a week is over. And here I am, giving you a short update about my life in the US. This week, I focused on a part in my life that I have forgotten about since I’ve crossed the Atlantic Ocean. I was a traveller, explorer, […]
Keep Calm and Be a Teacher

Hi guys, the first week of the semester is over, and thus also my first week of teaching at Illinois State University. Oh my, what a week! First of all, the whole city changed with the beginning of the semester. After my first two weeks of being quite and calm, Normal suddenly changed into a […]
I’m an ISU Redbird!

Hi guys, it’s me again. And guess what? It’s official; I’m a Redbird! That’s how students of Illinois State University are called, and I am happy to be one of them ☺ And that is not only because I am wearing one of my maaaaany ISU t-shirts but I am now officially enrolled as a […]
Towards new shores

I finally made it to the US, guys! My long flight (which I spent entirely watching movies xD) ended with a breath-taking view on Chicago’s skyline, and a few moments later I did my first steps on American ground. Despite the lack of sleep I was queuing, waiting, walking with eyes wide open like a […]
Goodbye Germany

A wide, open space. No windows, no fresh air. Grey. Filled with suitcases, numbers, and the smell of overpriced croissants. People running, people queuing, people crying. Me – one of them. Door opening, door closing. Then I’m gone. I’m not gone for good, though. It’s only ten months. However, it feels as if. A tear […]