Hi guys! It’s me again with some news for you. ☺ You know, I never ever won anything. Well, nothing big, at least. Never. Ever. Until now. I won a $100 gift-card from Portillo’s, one of Americas favourite restaurants (= fast food, obviously). I mean, I know it’s not a fancy trip or a car […]
Homecoming at ISU

Hi people! This week was homecoming at ISU – an annual tradition in the United States, where people, towns, high schools, and colleges come together, usually in late September or early October, to welcome back alumni and former residents. I was so happy to experience this American college tradition, and let me tell you right […]
Hello Europe!

Here I am again; tired, exhausted, with a sprained ankle, but happy. So so happy. But let me start at the beginning. Last week was intense. Actually, let me give you a small update on me being a teacher at ISU. In my class, we approached already our third case in German grammar (the German […]
A Crazy Weekend in Chicago

Here it is, another special travel-post for you, guys! After handing in my thesis on Thursday, I couldn’t wait for traveling any longer and decided to spend a weekend in Chicago. I was so excited to finally get away from my desk, breathe some air and discover more of the States I now live in. […]
I’m free!

Oh yes, finally! I’m free. And it feels so so so good. Why? Let me tell you: Do you remember that big chunk of papers lying everywhere, covering the floor in the office and blocking my bed? That big chunk of papers that robbed me of all social life, of food and sleep? Yes, exactly, […]
Run Baby Run

Hi there! I hope you all are doing great. I’m doing fine, I guess, but I was worried that I wouldn’t have anything to tell you guys this week. Because I am working on my MA paper literally the whole time I have left after preparing classes, teaching, grading exams, studying and completing my own […]
The heart does what it wants

Hi guys! Don’t you agree with me that doing crazy things is what makes life worth living? Well, I truly believe in that. (Or do I just look for excuses to justify the insanity that accompanies my ideas and plans too often?) And so this week was definitely marked by some craziness… more craziness than […]
On Horseback in America

Have you ever sat on a mustang, a wild horse? Have you ever raced at full gallop over the American prairie, the wind in your hair and freedom around you? No, you haven’t? Me neither, xD. However, what did happen is that I sat in a saddle on horseback this week! Finally! Do you remember […]
4 States in 4 Days: A Roadtrip

Hi, it’s me again, and today you will be served a special post. I am super excited to hereby officially announce a new category on this blog: Travel. Those of you who know me well know that I’m often found somewhere out of the country rather than in, constantly exploring the globe in search of […]
Welcome back to study life

Hi guys! Wow, it’s incredible how time flies by… again, a week is over. And here I am, giving you a short update about my life in the US. This week, I focused on a part in my life that I have forgotten about since I’ve crossed the Atlantic Ocean. I was a traveller, explorer, […]